Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 76 Santorini, Greece

My last blog - finally reunited with the love of my life. While I'm out galavanting around, Debra's been running a demanding events production company, taking care of our domestic affairs, and giving me her love and encouragement at every stop along the way. Now it's time, in some small way, to repay her back with a few back massages and 100% of my attention as we do some Greek island hopping over the next two weeks. Blogging has been a lot of fun. As I've written before, it has added structure and meaning to what otherwise might have been a hapless journey; it has captured for me the places I've been and the people I've met - many of whom have been permanently etched in my mind and have given me pause to think in ways I never thought before. I now have far more questions than answers and that's very rewarding. I regret not finding the time or space to share with you all the interactions I had; there were many more people whose gestures, comments, or conversations could easily have been developed into a blog deriving for me insights into some underlying condition or truth, often of an ironic nature. A few people have written me and taken exception to an observation or a conclusion that I've drawn. I say to them, "You're right." The hardest task has been to tell the truth. One is inclined to filter the selection of an event or an initial impression through one's life's experiences. As a "wanna be" roving anthropologist I'm learning how difficult it is to stick to the facts. My biases and prejudices keep getting in the way. Finally, for those of you, who, for whatever perverse reason, have been following this blog, stay tuned; I'm thinking next year I'll do India and/or Southeast Asia. So see you then - goodbye!

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